Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Has it really been since.....

January for my last post? I guess I wasn't too interested in keeping it going lol. Anyway, I'm here to complain! I just finished up my final exams for College Keyboarding II and Pharmacology & Laboratory Medicine. Keyboarding went great, got an "A", but Pharmacology I don't have any idea how I did. Since there was not an immediate grading of the exam like every other exam I've taken, I won't know until September 20th what I got on the exam!!!! This really stinks!

Hmmmm, I might start writing on this thing more often...I'm excited about taking Psychology next term (starts in a week), but not too excited about taking Medical Transcription....those dam doctors talk like they have marbles in their mouths, not to mention they rattle papers, move away from the mic, and have accents at times. It should be an interesting next term.