Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Writing a research paper

I made a couple of mistakes in starting out with writing my research paper for my composition class. Both mistakes were based on assumptions and I could not find any research to support my hypothesis. Now I am back to the drawing board. It shouldn't be too much of a setback as I will stick with the same line of research only this time I will make sure I have the research to back up my premise. I will have to do some quick brainstorming however to come up with a different angle to the topic of infertility that I chose for my research paper. Any ideas would be helpful! I may go an entirely different route into the pros and cons of raw milk consumption.


  1. I read an interesting article today about a young woman who died from taking the birth control pills that allow you to have a period only three times a year.
    You might want to try this angle.

  2. Hello,

    I have noticed ads on Craigslist looking for healthy women to donate eggs, or for surrogate moms. Have you considered this type of approach. There must be plenty of information regarding this subject that you could find. Perhaps contacting an agency that does assists infertile couples in finding a donor. Or perhaps finding a blog that speaks of a donors experience. Or even posting an ad to find someone willing to share their experience.
