Saturday, January 16, 2010

Research Papers, do we need them?

Obviously we have to write research papers for coursework in college, but is it really necessary? With the amount of work we have to do for each course, I at first felt that writing a research paper was a waste of energy that could be used on, say, studying anatomy. However, since having to write my first research paper many months ago, I have found that not only is it necessary, but also an important tool to learn how to effectively communicate with others. While I am just plain exhausted from having to do so much research this term, I am also satisfied with having completed, or almost completed, the assignments.

The 11:59 p.m. deadline on Tuesday is looming large in my head as I write this blog post. So much to do and so little time to do it in. I am both nervous and excited about this term drawing to a close. One more week after this and an Anatomy final exam to go. I need to do very well on my research paper for this class as my grades are not up to my standard. Oddly enough, I'm maintaining an "A" in Anatomy & Physiology while struggling to maintain a "B" in this class. Oh the irony! I've always had little trouble with writing and science has always been my Achilles heel. I guess things change.

All in all, I have enjoyed this class.

1 comment:

  1. The courses required in college are confusing sometimes. I was an English/Education major and biology and physical science drove me crazy!!
    I guess they want well-rounded people to receive college degrees, so we must take things we do not think will help us.
    I am proud you have enjoyed the class.
