Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Stressful previous 6 weeks!

Warning, I am about to whine! With school, getting ready for Christmas and planning and pulling off my 9 year old son's birthday party I'm ready for a vacation! Oh, I almost forgot the stress of trying to find a place to live thrown in there.

Today, one of my brother's said to me that I don't want to work...ummm okay. I'm just trying to get an associates degree so I can just hang it on a wall and look at how pretty it is. Of course, I was insulted, so I say to him, "I've worked harder than both of you put together," meaning his wife and him. Of course they laughed. I was once a rebar monkey for three years. Now this is really hard, physical labor being a rebar monkey. Rebar is that nubby steel they put into cement to make it strong, and rebar monkey is someone who installs rebar on job sites. Not only did I install rebar I worked in the shop manufacturing it into usable pieces. I also tied cages, caissons, mats, you name a form of rebar, I tied it. Rebar being steel isn't light, in fact it's quite heavy. In the field you have to carry bundles of it over to where it's supposed to be placed. Like I said this is hard physical labor. Six months out of the year I worked 90 + hours a week doing this...the other 6 I froze my hiney off working in the shop surrounded by steel in an open steel building in the dead of winter. I loved it, but it was tough. I'm just a little thing too, not many women do what I did. Anyway, my bro and his wife haven't got a clue how hard I've worked. Stay at home mom for most of my married life and that equals "lazy" to some people. All I know is that if either one of them had to stand over a mat and tie together 50 + lengths of #8 rebar they'd be on the ground crying after a few minutes, never mind having to carry it to where it needs to be installed. They haven't got a clue how hard it is to stay home and run a household while raising your children either. Yeah, I was insulted! I'd tell you what my bro and his wife's occupations are/were but then family might figure out who I'm talking about if they should happen to read this. I'll just say neither one of them broke a sweat at a job in a very, very, very long time.

Am I done whining? Yeah, I feel much better now!

1 comment:

  1. I understand why you were insulted. What is that expression about "until you walk in my shoes......"?
    The steel you can make do what you want it to do- families not so much!
    Have a good holiday.
