Monday, November 7, 2011

So it's voting time...

Are you voting tomorrow? I'm not a particularly political person, it's just that some of the things I'm passionate about happen to fall into the political arena. Some of my views have gotten me de-faced* from some lists on Facebook. For instance, I'm not "politically correct." I just find the whole idea of being politically correct tiring, pointless and an attempt to censor our thoughts and beliefs. I grew up in the United States, Freedom of Speech, right? Not freedom of speech unless it offends someone's sensibilities. Let's face it, no matter how hard you try, you're going to offend someone somewhere, somehow. I think this whole idea is just another way for the powers that be to separate us into neat little controllable groups. I live a life where I don't go out of my way to hurt anyone, 'nuff said. But I digress, back to the topic of voting...

If anyone asked me, I think most politicians are as crooked as the Rio Grande, but we have to work inside the system we have...that is until we change it. We can't change anything unless we vote. I think if you don't vote you pretty much lose your right to complain about how things are done in government. I am amazed at how many of my friends and family either do not vote or have never registered to vote. Even more astonishing to me is the amount of people who vote and do little to no research on what they are voting for or against. U.S. citizens are very well aware of their rights, why not exercise one of those rights by voting?

Yes, I am voting tomorrow.

*de-faced: A term I coined to express being taken off a friend's list on Facebook.

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